How to Read Tarot Responsibly

I started reading Tarot about two and a half years ago. I'd expressed to an ex of mine that I was interested in collecting decks, and he gave me my first one on the day we broke up. I'm serious. He asked me to meet him at a coffee shop, told me we should stop seeing each other, handed me the deck, and took off. Ah, memories!

I went home an emotional wreck, thinking to myself, "Hey, I've got nothing to lose at this point; why not play around with these cards?"

And when I did, by some magic, indiscernible hand, I was given cards associated with severe emotional distress, heartbreak, failed relationships, and how to move forward from them.

I was completely hooked from then on.

I showed off my new found obsession to anyone who would pay attention, watching the awe and shock register on people's faces as they experienced the potency and accuracy of the cards. Pretty soon, I was buying books on Tarot, collecting decks, and doing readings all the time, on everything from what Donald Trump might do next to whether or not I should take that job offer.

However, there was one hard lesson regarding Tarot that I had yet to learn: boundaries.

While the cards can be an extraordinary tool for better understanding both yourself and the world around you, it is a tool that should be used responsibly. I think, initially, I didn't truly believe in the power and wisdom that the cards held. Before long, I was prying into the lives of celebrities, and even friends and family members, all the while thinking in the back of my mind that this was still a game. That, no matter what, there was always some part of this that wasn't real. 

It wasn't until the cards started predicting certain, traumatic events that began unfolding in my life, like an emergency surgery and the sudden passing of one of my cats, that I truly started taking it seriously. And part of me believed (and still believes) that a lot of those traumatic events were, in part, due to the karma I'd accrued for not reading responsibly.

An unregulated Tarot user can essentially have insight into any situation at any given time of the day. It is complete, unrestrained power. And when encountering such a powerful force, it would behoove you to set rules for yourself, so that you can interact with it without piling up any of that aforementioned karmic debt.

Now, I'm not here to wag a finger at you and tell what you should or should not do with your Tarot cards. Ultimately, every reader's process is their business. If you want to make a habit out of reading on celebrity gossip, or on your friends, your boss, or your co-workers, then that is totally your call. But as someone who's been there, let me just reiterate: these cards are not a game. They aren't some parlor trick. Tarot is a real spiritual tool with the ability to give you some really powerful insights. In my own Tarot-reading-journey, I reached a point where I realized that I needed to limit that power for myself and develop a sense of morality about it, in order to better respect the Universe, as well as my place in it.

I created 6 Do's and Dont's for myself, which I adhere to any and every time I pick up a deck. These rules help keep me grounded, respectful, and in check when I read:

1). Do NOT attempt to predict the future of your own life: Again, I learned this lesson the hard way. As a person with anxiety, to be honest with you, I really don't want to know what will happen in my life. I'd prefer to just live it. The cards have the potential to give you these insights, but sometimes, the "knowing" is worse than even the lowest point of living. Again, the call is yours to make, but if you decide to look into your future, be prepared for whatever you may find there.

2). Do NOT attempt to predict the futures of the lives of others without their consent: The same goes here. If people aren't coming to you for answers, don't take it upon yourself to look for them. Don't ask the cards if Kristy and John will ever get married, because that's none of your business. Don't ask the cards if your co-worker will get that promotion before you, because you're only going to stress yourself out, and it's not for you to know; just direct your energy towards working hard. And as I mentioned above -- if you go looking into the future, sometimes, you may not like what you find there.

3). Do NOT seek personal information about others without their consent: Now, I will say this -- I modulate this rule by watching psychics who read on U.S. politics/politicians because, well, I'm an American, and I think each of us has a right to know what's going on with the people who run our country. But for me, that's where it ends, and I like to keep the Wiccan Rede in mind: "An it harm none, do what ye will." The idea here is that, if you use magick or magickal tools to bring harm to others, the Universe will ultimately direct that harm right back to you (it's also just a good creed to keep in mind to avoid being a jerk).

Meddling in people's lives without their permission is harmful to them. Unless these people hold any direct, immediate influence over your life (again, like a politician), it's best just to not touch this one. So this would, naturally, include "tea" about your friends, neighbors, family, and that one celebrity who you read a gossip piece about that you'd really love to get confirmation on. If you're asking questions about innocent people who haven't expressed a desire for answers, then you are invading their privacy, betraying their trust, and violating the one rule in all of magick. Be empathetic. Be respectful.

4). DO use Tarot to discern the best way to deal with energy shifts: I love this one. The energy of the Universe is malleable, consistently changing and rearranging itself. For those of us who follow astrology, we like to attribute these energy shifts to what's going on with the planets above us. But even if astrology isn't your jam, we can all agree that life moves in waves: sometimes things are really good, sometimes things are really bad, and sometimes, things are just sort of "meh." Tarot can help you navigate through these shifts, and provide you with a firm structure to stand on, so you don't get bowled over by the sudden changes.

5). DO use Tarot for personal, emotional, psychological and spiritual development/guidance: This one is a given! The greatest gift of Tarot is its ability to help you strengthen your sense of self awareness, provide you with valuable insight on what you need in your life at any given moment, and help put you on the path to discovering who you're meant to be.

6). DO use Tarot to help connect with your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels: Tarot can be a fantastic means to connect with your spiritual guardians. Make sure you set your intention prior to a reading by saying a small prayer, asking your guides, guardians and angels to be present with you, providing you with the answers you seek. Make sure that you assert that you are only allowing beings of the highest vibration, light, love and happiness to communicate with you before you begin. Ask your guides for extra protection, should you feel you need it, and begin your reading.

And there you have it! 6 Do's and Dont's for reading Tarot responsibly!

Do you have any personal rules when it comes to reading Tarot? Let me know, because I'd love to hear 'em!

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